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What Matters Most (Now)?:

a short audio retreat to help you reflect on your journey through the pandemic

The pandemic wrought sudden, dramatic disruption to ‘life as normal’, and has touched all of us, in so many different ways. ‘Same storm, different boats’ is the phrase we found for the collective yet utterly personal experience we’ve faced.


But with restrictions now lifted in the UK, should we rush straight back in to ‘busyness as usual’, as if nothing really happened to our souls? 


Didn’t we sense, in those uniquely challenging times, an invitation, too - that life could be different, somehow, after we came through this? That we could emerge with a richer perspective on how we can live, and work, and rest, and play ..?

I've gathered a few thoughts - drawn from my writing through the pandemic - which help to begin that process of reflection. It's all in the form of an audio walking retreat that you can download and listen to at your own convenience.

And there's nothing to pay or donate - it's my gift.


Follow the simple instructions below to download the retreat to your smart-phone or tablet - then pop your headphones in, and go for your reflective walk! (And if you can't get outside, why not listen from the comfort of your home - look out the window, or use your imagination.)

You can listen all in one 'go' ... otherwise there are seven sections which comprise the whole, so you can savour the process and take it step by step if you'd prefer!

Go well!


How to listen from your laptop

If you want to listen at home on your computer, you can simply press the green button on the panel below (and why not take a moment to get inspired and listen to the short introduction now!)  ...










but to use the recording on a walk, you can also download it to your mobile device so that you can listen 'off-line' to the file itself:



How to download to your mobile device


1. On the panel above, click the icon in the bottom right corner, and then click on the download icon (if you're not clear, see my two pictures below!).








2. You'll then be invited to download the file to your mobile, at which point 'save' the file to your device. You should be able to find it in your 'downloads' folder on your phone or tablet!


I hope and pray that this simple resource helps you as you continue to walk the path of life and faith. Go well!

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