Lent 2024: Sign up & Pay!
To (1) sign up and (2) pay, follow both of these simple steps:
1. Sign up using this quick form below. Please make sure you click the black 'subscribe' button. If you can't see it, or if you don't receive a confirmation e-mail straight away, please contact me.
(Have you clicked the grey subscribe button?)
2. Make a payment by bank transfer, cheque or Paypal
The suggested donation remains £20 for individuals, or £80 for small to mid-sized groups. But you're welcome to pay less if it helps in harder times.
(a) You can make a bank transfer. Please use your name as a reference so I can cross-check that you have signed up successfully!
Brian Draper
(b) Or send a cheque to: Brian Draper, 1 Barton Farm, Andover Road, Winchester SO22 6AX
(c) Or simply use this Paypal button here:
Thank you!